Mercury Transits the Sun Viewing Party Nov. 11
Mecury will transit the Sun November 11th. Mercury is approximately 150 times smaller than the Sun.This makes transits of Mercury significantly harder to observe than other solar events such as eclipses and transits of Venus. Mercury's silhouette on the Sun is not visible without some form of magnification.
THE SUN IS A DANGEROUS OBJECT TO OBSERVE! Viewing it through any optical instrument – even a pair of binoculars or the finderscope on the side of your telescope – can cause instant and permanent blindness.
We have a variety of solar equipment to help you view the Sun safely [HERE].
The safest way to observe the transit is to come Join us on November 11th @OC Telescope to celebrate our 7 year anniversary and the transit of Mercury!
The event starts early at 6am and will end at 1030am. Coffee and Doughnuts will be provided! 🍩
We will have several telescopes set up for solar observation as well as our team of amateur astronomers to answer questions. Get directions to the store [HERE].