Lyrid Meteor Shower & Super Pink Moon

The Lyrid meteor shower is a trail of dust left by the comet Thatcher which orbits the sun once every 415 years. The dust left behind the path of this comet are what give us the Lyrids. This meteor shower is known to produce up to 30 meteors per hour at peak. The radiant in the constellation Lyra is located just NE of the bright star Vega. This year, the Lyrids are active from April 16th-30th and will peak on the evening of April 21st. Unfortunately, this coincides with a waxing gibbous moon this year, meaning there will be a lot of moonlight to interfere with observing the meteors. The best time to view will be in the very early morning, predawn sky in the week leading up to the 21st.
For viewing, Dress warmly. Bring a reclining chair, or spread a thick blanket over a flat spot of ground. Lie down and look up somewhat toward the east. Meteors can appear in any part of the sky, although their trails will tend to point back toward the radiant Vega.
A cool way to capture the meteor shower is to take a time-lapse video. We recommend using our best seller, the Revolution Imager in combination with an All Sky wide angle lens.
The full moon of April also known as the "Pink Moon" will be another main feature in the night sky. This year a Super Moon meaning it will appear bigger and brighter. The "Super Pink Moon" will be at it's biggest and brightest on April 26th.

Clear skies,
