Jupiter at Opposition

June 10th, our Earth will move between the sun and the outer planet Jupiter. Our faster motion around the sun places Jupiter, the largest, brightest world in our solar system opposite the sun about once each year. In other words, Jupiter is now rising in the east as the sun is setting below the western horizon creating perfect conditions for the observer. We astronomers call this event an opposition of Jupiter.

Opposition is the best time of year for observing because the planet is up all night and has the closest proximity to Earth for the year (the exact date of Jupiter at its closest this year is June 12).

Jupiter is such a treat to view for observers because it offers more to see in a telescope than any other planet. It's the only one that shows distinct planetary features in even a fairly small scope. It also has four large moons that hover nearby, forever shuffling back and forth around Jupiter's gaseous surface.

We highly recommend our Nexstar SE series of telescopes. Excellent for beginner and intermediate astronomers, quick to set up and very easy to use. The on board computerized database will automatically find and track the planets, moon and stars as they move through the sky. On Sale now starting at $399.
